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Weekly Digest #90!

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In this digest-

1. Article- 5 Ways to Beat the Heat this Summer

2. Happiness Quotient From Around The World

3. Did You Know?

4. Entertainment Quotient

5. The Chainsmokers- So Far So Good- Album Review

-Cover Story-

5 Ways to beat the heat this summer

By: Agastya Rao

Summers are finally here! It's time to relax and have fun. However, if the soaring temperatures of our planet rising, here are my top 5 ways to beat the heat this summer-

1. Help Out-

If you are going outside in a car, then put a couple of plastic water bottles in the freezer or with ice, and take them with you when you leave. Do also take some snacks like biscuits to carry with you. The reason you should carry this is because there are many people who are currently working outside in the heat (like policemen) , or who don’t have a place to stay for the night.This would be a nice gesture to help them out!

2. Stop global warming-

While this does sound vague, it is a pretty straightforward idea. The only true way to beat the heat is by stopping or at least greatly decreasing global warming. So carpool, don’t use electricity in excess and do whatever you can to reduce, reuse and recycle! If we actively take a stand to stop global warming, only then will we truly “beat the heat”!

3. Summer coolers-

The Summer calls for summer coolers, or drinks to keep you and your body cool for the summer. MOST importantly, remember to stay hydrated, so drink a lot of water! Some great examples of summer coolers that you can make yourself, in a matter of minutes:

1. Aam Panna

2. Lemonade

3. A mango shake (With ice of course)

4. Coconut Water

5. Sattu (Channa) powder mixed with water: keeps your body cool.

4. Skip the cup of Joe-

For those of you drinking tea and coffee, it may be time to cut back on the caffeine. Caffeine generally makes your body warm. Don’t stop drinking coffee and tea altogether, but be sure to consider cooler alternatives like coconut water or lemonade.

5. Stay Indoors (Swim if you can) remember to exercise

I would recommend staying indoors between the hours of 10am to about 4-5pm, in order to save yourself from the excruciating heat. If you want to play a sport or roam around outside, preferably do it after 4pm so that the heat is more tolerable and the sun is not that strong. However, don’t use the heat as an excuse to not exercise, you can exercise or play sports outside, just not at times when the sun is at its peak. Also, if you do have access to a swimming pool and know how to swim, feel free to swim, as its the best way to beat the heat.

Stick to these 5 tips, and you should be well on your way to beating the heat this summer. Enjoy your summer!


Album Review: So far So good- The Chainsmokers

By: Abhimanyu Rao

“So Far So Bad, The Chainsmokers do let me down!”

DJ duo The Chainsmoker have released their long-awaited fourth studio album. The question is, is it any good?


  1. Riptide- A messy AutoTuned intro brought my expectations to a screeching halt. This song is a mess, from start to finish! From that intro to the terrible overlaying effects on the chorus, this track is very skippable, and definitely one of the weaker tracks on the album! Unfortunately, even Coldplay frontman Chris Martin’s lyrics fall flat in this track. You know what the best part is? They bring the intro back as an outro :( 3/10

2. High- A significant improvement from Riptide, (which I shall henceforth call R.I.P tide, because the track is dead to me 😂), High starts off with some lightly AutoTuned vocals, and has some high-quality production, the kind you would expect from the makers of ‘Closer’! Unfortunately, the lyrics fall to the same plainness of it’s predecessor, which prevents me from rating it any higher. 6.5/10

3. iPad- The third track on this album starts off quite creepily, with the line “I go through your iPad” starting the song. This song however, has some oddly poetic lyrics, the chorus being one of them. Additionally, the production of this song is top tier, which almost makes me forget the creepy beginning! This song’s lyrics are an improvement from the previous ones, which is what warrants its high score!7/10

4. Maradona- The fourth track on the album has finally chosen a path. The previous tracks seemed confused of what they were, juggling between heavy production, and milder production, but this seems to have found the balance! This song has some issues with the effects on the vocals, however, this song has a catchy melody, and some quality production, making it one of the album’s standout tracks! 8/10

5. Solo Mission- The fifth track on the album is, once more,well produced, but falls flat with the singing. Drew Taggart is a talented producer, but he should leave the singing to the featured artists! The outro of the song is shockingly good, and is the redeeming factor of this song. 6/10

6. Something Different: This seems to be an ironic title, for the album’s most generic song! From the bland chorus to the boring verses, and even the generic beat, this track is a definite skip. The melodies try to be catchy, but in the process, they fail to stand out, which stops them from being catchy. The production is very different, and actually sounds like a cut from a Marshmello album, much rather than a Chainsmokers song.(6/10)

7. I Love U- Another track that sounds quite generic, I Love U isn’t really a track i’ll find myself revisiting often. Shockingly the singing is better in this song than it has been in any songs so far! The bridge reminds me of their song ‘This Feeling’, but otherwise, this song is quite forgettable. 6/10

8. If You’re Serious- This song sounds more like an outtake from a 2010s boy band album than a Chainsmokers song. The production shows you that it isn’t a boy band song, but the line between the two has been blurred, and not in a good way. The second half of the song is much better than the first half, and the drop is worth sticking around for, but this song is merely a shell of what it could have been!(5/10)

9. Channel 1- If this is the channel I'm on, I would change it! This song is awful, with some grating vocals, and even worse lyrics. There is absolutely no redeeming factor to this mess of a song! (1/10)

10. Testing- I don’t know what The Chainsmokers are testing with these songs. This weird hip-hop influenced sound doesn't work for them, but they can’t seem to hear how bad these songs are. This song has some messy production, with messier vocals, and is almost unlistenable.(2/10)

11. In Too Deep- This song starts off acoustically, which is actually a good decision! This song sounds raw and honest, and while it sounds out of place in this album, this is actually a good song! (9/10)

12. I Hope You Change Your Mind- This song is an average one at best. The song starts off alright, but the chorus sounds like it’s being shouted, which doesn’t really work for the song. The song definitely improves towards the second half, but overall, it’s just okay…(6/10)

13. Cyanide- That is literally what this song starts off as. This song starts off badly, but the chorus is awful! They go back to that hip-hop influence that just doesn’t work, but the AutoTuned mess of a chorus just ruins this song! (4/10)

In conclusion, this album is a messy fraction of their potential, but it is saved by a few good tracks, that protect its rating!

By: Mihir Rao


By: Abhimanyu Rao


Entertainment quotient for the week:


  • Cobra Kai(PG-13)


  • Guardians of the Galaxy: The series.


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We thank our readers for supporting us this past year. We truly hope you enjoyed this digest and we hope this put a smile on your face. Here at The Paperless Press, we strive to provide free,fun and positive news. We would be very happy to receive your feedback and receive guest submissions from our readers. We hope that you spread the word and enjoy reading our digests.

-The Paperless Press

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