Chocolate frogs, Donald Trump and Positive news- Weekly Digest #42
Welcome to Weekly Digest #42! In this edition, get to know more about a real life chocolate frog discovered in New Guinea, which animals were launched into space, a homemade air purifier, scientists making an artificial sun and more!
We have been learning something new every day, with our work on these Digests. These past few days, we learnt that sometimes things do not work out despite our best efforts. We could not publish a Digest last week, and we had to move ahead and work on this edition.
We hope you have fun watching this - do share with us what you would like to watch / read about.
-Read more about the indestructible creatures called Tardigrades- https://www.thepaperlesspress.net/post/weekly-digest-4
-Aliens, UFOs and More: more info in- https://www.thepaperlesspress.net/post/weekly-digest-41
-Hilariously captioned dog photos- https://sites.google.com/view/adogsdailyantics/the-gallery-part-2?authuser=0
(An initiative of The Paperless Press)
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