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Writer's pictureThe Paperless Press

Weekly Digest #2

Updated: Oct 17, 2020


Weekly Digest

July - 18th 2020 ----------------

The Weekly Digest.

Issue #2

Fair and Lovely-At last the Unfair(hee-hee) name was changed- Abhimanyu Rao


Notes of Joy:

By Mihir Rao

Day after day of the lockdown monotony, and you can get extremely bored after a few months. So what do you do if you want a ‘different’ element each day? Music is the thing that fills that gap. You may watch 500 episodes of a TV show, but it doesn’t compare to the diversity and change that goes on in a song. But music is not just limited to listening to songs. You can even try to recreate it by yourself! Anyone can learn to play an instrument and create songs through devices in the comfort of their home.. And I mean it when I say, ANYONE. With today’s technology we can learn songs, and play them easily, with little to none help at ALL! If there is one positive of this lockdown, it’s that we have figured out how technology has helped us with literally everything. We can create amazing songs in seconds even without any prior experience!Apps such as GarageBand can make you a music master in seconds! You may ask what the point is of ‘wasting your time’ on music, and here it is: Research has shown that music can help reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and even help you sleep well, especially now in the lockdown!

In conclusion, even when the darkness of the coronavirus pandemic shrouds our world, Music is like a torch that guides us to the light.


New Dog? Here is how to prepare for one:

By Agastya and Abhimanyu Rao

My brother and I nagged our parents almost everyday for a dog, and to quote Robert Frost, “ and that made all the difference”. I know that many of my friends and people across the globe want a dog. Yes, dogs are stress-busters, furballs, bundles of joy and the cutest, most affectionate creatures on the planet; but you have to be mentally prepared to get one. Everyday hundreds of dogs are left on the streets to fend for themselves, all because the owners were not mentally prepared to handle them. That is why, The Paperless Press brings to you, ‘ The New Dog Preparation Kit’:-

  1. A dog, (especially a puppy) is A LOT of work, and I mean a lot. Puppies are usually brought home at the wee ages of 3 months-5 months. This is the first time they are away from their family, so get set, they will take you on a ride!

2. Now that you have a dog, here comes the hard work. Puppies (and some older adopted dogs) are untrained. They will jump on you, jump on the bed, run helter skelter and keep you awake all night (sort of how a new baby would act, or so our parents keep telling us). They will poop everywhere, pee everywhere and give out the occasional fart (and yes it is amusing but stinks!). You have to be ready to pick up the poop and pee, and yes: it cannot be only your parent(s) job.

3. Dogs can usually be taken to a trainer to be taught how to sit, stay, lie down etc, but potty training them is the hard part. For this I will bring in our Resident expert: Abhimanyu Rao- In the beginning, before the dog is ready for walks, you will have to encourage it to pee or poop on absorbent “pee mats” which are absorbent only on one side. Remember that for later. Now you will have to be BIG BROTHER for them, watching their every move, and when they try to excrete, you will have to put a mat under them. Soon you can start rewarding them for their small accomplishments, and it will encourage them to use only the pee mats. If they have an accident, DO NOT scold them in a harsh manner, just talk to them about it, and don’t reward them.

4. Now, for their first walk(Yay! This is a technique that I developed, and it’s pretty much foolproof). Try taking the dog at a time when the park(if applicable) is empty (Feel free to do a few ‘Recon Missions’ in advance to check when it’s emptiest). Carry a pee mat (as the dog is probably used to it by now) and place it on the non- absorbent side (They are only absorbent on one side, remember?) The dog will excrete on it, and the pee will still be on the mat. Gently lift the mat, ensuring that the pee falls onto, and is absorbed by, the ground. After a few walks, the dog will feel comfortable not using the pee mat anymore.

5.You have to make sure that you prepare everyone in your house before you get a dog- some members of your family or your house help may be scared of them- so re-assure them that the dog will not bite them as LONG as they don’t get scared of the dog- dogs smell fear.

6. Give your dog(s) all the love you can!


Cover Story:

The Unfairness of “Fair and Lovely”

By Abhimanyu Rao on July 13th..

I would like to start by apologising for the terrible pun the title is (Sorry, I couldn't resist :)) All the way back in 1975, Indian markets got a beauty product reinforcing a notion that is now so deeply set in society, that people had probably forgotten life before it. Now, 45 years later, the , far reaching brand known as Fair and Lovely, experienced enlightenment. After 45 years of spreading the notion that lighter complexions and skin colours make for a beautiful face and ensure success, amidst the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement, they have changed their views, changing their names for women’s and men’s products to ‘Glow and Lovely’ and ‘Glow and Handsome’ respectively. Hurray! Right? Not entirely. This is solely because the product is the same! All the consumers are still using chemical heavy, skin bleaching cream. The chemical composition is still a little hint to us, that fair is still beautiful. We still see sad examples of people being mocked for the colour of their skin, the great Indian marriage market being focused on “fair” brides, blatant racism and casteism rampant in our country. Even then, let us all be Optimistic about this name change, as this is a big step in changing the norms of beauty, even if it is a small one. To tweak one of the most famous sayings (which was completely out of this world :D), “One small step for beauty norms, One big leap for all of equality”.


CHANGEMAKERS- Heroes Among Us:

Inside Project Telemedi: Promoting Telehealth, Saving Lives...

By Agastya Rao

As Interviewed by Abhimanyu Rao

The Paperless Press brings to you an exclusive sneak peek of our interview with Shounak Malhotra, age 14, Co-Founder of Project Telemedi. Project Telemedi is all about promoting and spreading awareness about Telemedicine. We are all locked up in our homes and many of us are too scared to go to the doctor. If you think you have the symptoms of Covid -19, but do not want to risk spreading it, Project Telemedi has a solution for you- call your doctor on a video call and he can diagnose you! That way you are not getting the virus, or giving it to anyone else. As their motto goes: A futuristic solution, for the present. Visit them at Find a part of interview below:

What is Project Telemedi?

Project Telemedi is an Initiative of and by a group of young citizens that seeks to provide awareness about Telemedicine and Telehealth – both in the Public and Private Healthcare sectors – in India

- What made you think of telemedicine? Why do you think it is important in the 21st Century?

My father, who is a lawyer, was actually working with TSI, which is the Telemedicine Society of India to legalise the practice of telemedicine in India. That actually happened amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

So one day I just asked him about this and realised that a lot of people would be unaware of this relatively new concept.

I then decided to start Project Telemedi, hoping to make it a student initiative and through this we, as stated earlier want to provide awareness to as many hospitals as possible about the concept of telemedicine, which is a very important concept for the 21st century considering that many daily activities or basic necessities are available with the help of technology and I think it would be safe to say that making healthcare available through an online medium would truly be a futuristic solution to the present.

Another advantage of telemedicine is, this one being more relevant to the current scenario, the fact that exposure to patients who may be potential carriers of infectious diseases can be avoided.




-The Terminal

-Fuller House



-The Mandalorian


From The Literary World:

This Week’s Top 4 Books:

1.N or M- Agatha Christie(PG 13)

2.The One and Only Bob-Katherine Appelgate

3.The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas (PG 12)

4.Wonder- R.J Palacio


Laugh It Up!

Wait and see what we have in store for you this week-

Always remember- Laughter is the best medicine!

Q What did the lonely Banana say ?


Q. What did the Green Peas say ?

A. Nothing. They just MUTTERED

Q. What did the Potato say when it answered the phone?


Joke Credit: Ms. Ferida Satarawala Chopra


Visit these pages to see some of our other endeavours!

Visit A Dog's Daily Antics to laugh your heart out with crazy captioned dog photos!

Visit TheChinappaChannel to see quirky but nice videos!



"Inside Out"

A beautiful key, a magnificent door,

Would I want anything more?

What do i see from within when i look the other side,

a bag of bones, a bird jail, a very dark mind.

Painting by Sudha Aggarwal, 13

Yum-Yum In My Tum:

Hungry? Ever thought of making mouth watering food ALL BY YOURSELF?


By Ms. Ferida Satarawala Chopra

Milk ½ cup

Butter 50 gms (cut a 100gms packet into half)

Sugar 9 teaspoons

Put these ingredients in a saucepan and heat (stirring constantly) till sugar dissolves. Keep aside to cool.

Marie biscuits 1+1/2 pkt (small packets)

Lactogen milk powder 250 gms(1 carton)

Cocoa powder (unsweetened) 11 teaspoons

Drinking chocolate 5 teaspoons

Break the biscuits into bits, do not crush.

Mix all the dry ingredients thoroughly in a bowl.

Add the cooled milk mixture, stir well to mix all the ingredients evenly.

Put into a square glass dish, not a bowl (any dish which is neither too shallow nor too deep).

Decorate with walnut pieces.

Refrigerate for 2-3 hours till set. Enjoy this mouthwatering delicacy!


A Note To Our Readers:

We thank our readers for helping us in our endeavours. Our mission is to spread awareness of what is going on around the world from a child’s perspective. Our aim is to bring happiness and hope to people when they have none, the lockdown has broken us, torn us apart and has exacted a mental and physical toll on us. We hope that you stay safe and sound in these uncertain times. We welcome as much feedback as you can give to help improve our articles. Please spread the word.

-Team Paperless Press

We hope this issue lightened up your day


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